Catch up on the latest news to come out of the Mary Lyon Centre


18 July 2018

MRC Harwell Annual Animal Research Statistics

Today, the Home Office have published the Annual Animal Research Statistics for 2017. This details the numbers of animals used…

14 June 2018

GEMM Call opening

24 May 2018

Chris Holmes appointed to lead research in health at The Alan Turing Institute in partnership with Health Data Research UK

10 May 2018

Advancements in mouse phenomics and its uses for inferring mammalian gene function

13 April 2018

Gene that contributes to female body shape may increase risk of type 2 diabetes by altering the development of fat cells

11 April 2018

MRC Harwell Festival Open Day – It’s all in your genes

5 March 2018

Research spotlight – Dr Thomas Cunningham

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