Catch up on the latest news to come out of the Mary Lyon Centre


24 March 2023

Home-cage monitoring reveals new subtle and early phenotypes

The Mary Lyon Centre (MLC) has pioneered the development and use of home cage monitoring (HCM) systems for the phenotyping…

15 March 2023

CLAST-Advance partnership

1 March 2023

The Mary Lyon Centre and NanoVation Therapeutics (UK) collaborate in a £1.6M Innovate UK Smart Grant project to create a ‘one-shot’ cure for cancer

1 February 2023

Reduced shipments of live mice – a positive change accelerated by the pandemic

17 January 2023

International consortium awarded £8M to enhance the UK’s nucleic acid therapeutic delivery platforms

6 January 2023

Genetics Society award goes to MGU PhD student Louisa Zolkiewski

28 October 2022

A milestone achievement for our cryopreservation training course

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