Shift work-like patterns effect on female and male mouse behavior';

Shift work-like patterns effect on female and male mouse behavior

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Biallelic DAW1 variants cause a motile ciliopathy characterized by laterality defects and subtle ciliary beating abnormalities';

Biallelic DAW1 variants cause a motile ciliopathy characterized by laterality defects and subtle ciliary beating abnormalities

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A Wars2 mutant mouse shows a sex and diet specific change in fat distribution, reduced food intake and depot-specific upregulation of WAT browning';

A Wars2 mutant mouse shows a sex and diet specific change in fat distribution, reduced food intake and depot-specific upregulation of WAT browning

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ALS-related FUS mutations alter axon growth in motoneurons and affect HuD/ELAVL4 and FMRP activity';

ALS-related FUS mutations alter axon growth in motoneurons and affect HuD/ELAVL4 and FMRP activity

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Identifying genetic determinants of inflammatory pain in mice using a large-scale gene-targeted screen';

Identifying genetic determinants of inflammatory pain in mice using a large-scale gene-targeted screen

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Gadd45g is required for timely Sry expression independently of RSPO1 activity';

Gadd45g is required for timely Sry expression independently of RSPO1 activity

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AKR1D1 knockout mice develop a sex dependent metabolic phenotype';

AKR1D1 knockout mice develop a sex dependent metabolic phenotype

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Tissue Proteome of 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase Deficient Mice Reveals Peroxisome Proliferation and Activation of ω-Oxidation';

Tissue Proteome of 2-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Lyase Deficient Mice Reveals Peroxisome Proliferation and Activation of ω-Oxidation

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Neuroplastin genetically interacts with Cadherin 23 and the encoded isoform Np55 is sufficient for cochlear hair cell function and hearing';

Neuroplastin genetically interacts with Cadherin 23 and the encoded isoform Np55 is sufficient for cochlear hair cell function and hearing

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Palmitoylated small GTPase ARL15 is translocated within Golgi network during adipogenesis';

Palmitoylated small GTPase ARL15 is translocated within Golgi network during adipogenesis

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