
Louisa Zolkiewski wins the 2021 Weilin Wang Prize

Heading to Scotland to talk Network

Celebrating the skills, talents, experience, and dedication of technicians

A celebration of the MRC Mammalian Genetics Unit

Launching the new MRC National Mouse Genetics Network

Apply to the GEMM Call today!

Ade Elsley

The Mary Lyon Centre and NanoVation Therapeutics (UK) collaborate in a £1.6M Innovate UK Smart Grant project to create a ‘one-shot’ cure for cancer

Celebrating women in science on Ada Lovelace Day

New case studies for mouse lines generated by the GEMM programme

A milestone achievement for our cryopreservation training course

Genetics Society award goes to MGU PhD student Louisa Zolkiewski

International consortium awarded £8M to enhance the UK’s nucleic acid therapeutic delivery platforms

CLAST-Advance partnership

Reduced shipments of live mice – a positive change accelerated by the pandemic

Home-cage monitoring reveals new subtle and early phenotypes

Edward (Ted/Ed) Evans (1936-2023)

GEMM Call 11!

Apprentice Graduation: a legacy of success

MRC Harwell Bioimaging Facility Manager Jeremy Sanderson wins RMS Award

Gnome for the holidays

A busy summer for the MLC and Advance

Haroon Khan and Xanthia Woltjer inside the Mary Lyon Centre

GenerationResearch interns at the Mary Lyon Centre

Gold LEAF awards for sustainability efforts

The first mouse model of the leading cause of kidney failure in children

Not just the amazing science! Fun Day 2023 at the Mary Lyon Centre

NMGN Training Programme Webinar

Join Us on the 6th of June for a Meeting on Resources and Funding Opportunities in Rare Diseases

Tomogram of neurons grown on an EM grid that demonstrates functional synapses

Developing new methods to image the junctions between neurons up close

Funding to take advantage of our unique resource within the National Mouse Archive

Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting

Mark Gardiner

Mark Gardiner, our Chief Operating Officer, wins an award for CPD

Supporting career progression for technicians

Shining a light on an overlooked animal welfare issue

Citizen Science and Home Cage Monitoring: a steep learning curve with useful data acquired and insights gained

Long-read sequencing provides faster and more comprehensive characterisation for genome editing

As a family, we stick together for a long time

Joint appointment at the Francis Crick Institute for our Director, Sara Wells 

Dr Sara Wells, MBE!

Training the future generations of mouse geneticists: the 2024 Mouse Models of Human Disease Workshop


Harwell student Amy Southern shortlisted for science writing prize

International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing call for evidence

Networking with the wider preclinical modelling community  – Meeting report

Rare Disease Community Event – meeting report

GEMM Call opening

November newsletter now available

Advancements in mouse phenomics and its uses for inferring mammalian gene function

Mouse library set to be knockout';

Mouse library set to be knockout

Ciliary exclusion of Polycystin-2 promotes kidney cystogenesis in an Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease model

Professor Steve Brown Awarded Visiting Professorship by The Royal Society

MRC Mouse Network Roadshows – Dates and venues announced';

MRC Mouse Network Roadshows – Dates and venues announced

New guidance on sharing and archiving genetically altered mice';

New guidance on sharing and archiving genetically altered mice

Mary Lyon Medal created by the Genetics Society';

Mary Lyon Medal created by the Genetics Society

IMPC Editorial: How The Deep Genome Project Could Change our Understanding of Disease and Transform Healthcare

New UK Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis';

New UK Centre for Osteoarthritis Pathogenesis

Paige Street receives MRC Max Perutz Science Writing Award commendation

Harwell in global initiative to use big data to revolutionise early dementia detection

Rodent Little Brother: Secret Lives of Mice

Identification of mammalian proteins that allow sperm to move and lungs to be kept clear of fluid

Investigating unexpected larger deletions after CRISPR/Cas9

Understanding Light Microscopy by Jeremy Sanderson

MRC Harwell Festival – 19 & 20 June 2019

Andy Greenfield joins International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing

Remembering Tony Searle

Dr Liane Hobson – New NC3Rs Training Fellowship

Spring Workshops

New mouse model to study mitochondrial disease

Nature paper: New insights into the maturation of the cells damaged in age-related hearing loss

Increasing transparency in animal research numbers

3,000 mouse strains in MRC Harwell Archive

MRC Harwell and OxSyBio announce new partnership

New transgenics course at Harwell

How researchers are using Genome Editing Mice for Medicine

MRC Harwell Annual Animal Research Statistics

Training Spotlight – Michelle Stewart

October Technical training week

MRC Harwell Festival Open Day – It’s all in your genes

Chris Holmes appointed to lead research in health at The Alan Turing Institute in partnership with Health Data Research UK

Otitis media discoveries at MRC Harwell

Gene that contributes to female body shape may increase risk of type 2 diabetes by altering the development of fat cells

Mary Lyon Centre archiving promoted by NC3Rs

Research spotlight – Dr Thomas Cunningham

The Journey from Genes to Disease – a symposium for postdocs by postdocs

Deafness due to mismatched connections

New diabetes genes discovered in latest IMPC research

Two IMPC papers published in Nature Genetics and Nature Communications

Study of unprecedented size reveals how sex ‘blindspot’ could misdirect medical research

Gene found to play prominent role in central nervous system foundation and function

MRC Festival 2016

PhD Opportunities in 2018

Pump Priming Awards for preliminary research using IMPC knockout mice

Royal Society hosts tribute to Mary Lyon

MRC Festival

Sixth Form students from two Didcot schools visit MRC Harwell

Age-related disease genes discovered

Richmond village talk by Dominic Norris

Diabetes gene mechanism discovered

New movement disorder gene identified

Scientists shed new light on organ positioning in early embryos

New introductory training course a hit

Rodent Little Brother: A new way to study mouse behaviours

A taste of our apprenticeships

‘Early doors’ mutant mouse helps to decipher the mechanism of sleep disorder

MRC Harwell ‘trailblazer’ for apprenticeships

Deafness-causing mutation fixed using CRISPR/Cas9

Science Up Close at Harwell Campus

PhD student wins £500 for public engagement

Conditional transgenesis training course

Taking our science into schools

IMPC embraces ethical guidelines

Discussing diabetes at Diamond open day

Steve Brown made a Fellow of Royal Society

Phenoview: a new tool to compare IMPC data

Oxford Brookes ‘speed networking’ event

EUMODIC: paving the way for the IMPC

Learning the art of cryopreservation

Discussing cilia research with PCD patients

IMPC article in ‘International Innovation’

MRC Mouse Network Meeting 2015

Role of Fto gene in obesity revealed

Understanding Animal Research Open Labs

New PhD studentships available';

New PhD studentships available

Diamond Light Source open days

Mary Lyon, discoverer of X inactivation, dies

Oxfordshire Science Festival 2015

Sleep in old age mimicked in mice';

Sleep in old age mimicked in mice

New ALS mouse model discovered

Microscopy training course a success

Down’s syndrome sleep disturbances in mice

Atmin critical for normal kidney development

‘Social jetlag’ linked to obesity-related disease';

‘Social jetlag’ linked to obesity-related disease

Harwell bioinformatics training workshop

A combined approach to hearing loss research

Cilia growth regulator essential for lung development

Mary Lyon Centre celebrates a decade

Cause of patient’s paralysis deciphered

Harwell Campus Family Fun Day

Third method for mitochondrial donation

Oxford Brookes careers event 2014

MRC Harwell at the british science festival

Cryopreservation training course

Sleep quality linked to circadian genes

Oxfordshire science festival

Mitochondrial donation ‘not unsafe’

Life as an apprentice at Harwell';

Life as an apprentice at Harwell

Cheltenham Science Festival Fun

Careers fair at Magdalen College School';

Careers fair at Magdalen College School

IMPC virtues noted by Nature

New male Pill on way in DNA breakthrough';

New male Pill on way in DNA breakthrough

Syndrome’s genetic cause identified

The Bioinformatics of Mutant Mouse Resources – A two-day hands-on introduction';

The Bioinformatics of Mutant Mouse Resources – A two-day hands-on introduction

Mary Lyon chosen as a ‘Heroine of Science’';

Mary Lyon chosen as a ‘Heroine of Science’

Scout group visits MRC Harwell';

Scout group visits MRC Harwell

New Declaration on Data Sharing in Mouse Functional Genomics';

New Declaration on Data Sharing in Mouse Functional Genomics

MGU Director wins Genetics Society Medal';

MGU Director wins Genetics Society Medal

Sex reversal defect explained';

Sex reversal defect explained

Clinical Fellow at Harwell highlights issues of unethical trade in healthcare purchasing';

Clinical Fellow at Harwell highlights issues of unethical trade in healthcare purchasing

MRC media release – Potential new treatments for a common childhood hearing disorder';

MRC media release – Potential new treatments for a common childhood hearing disorder

MouseBook v0.2 Released';

MouseBook v0.2 Released

Library of gene function will speed up disease research';

Library of gene function will speed up disease research

MRC cash boost to maximise discovery of mouse models of human diseases';

MRC cash boost to maximise discovery of mouse models of human diseases

Scientists link sex development disorders to faulty gene';

Scientists link sex development disorders to faulty gene

New gene identified that may be important for diabetes';

New gene identified that may be important for diabetes

Genetic variants at the FTO gene are associated with obesity in humans';

Genetic variants at the FTO gene are associated with obesity in humans

The MRC Radiation and Genome Stability Unit (RAGSU) has moved';

The MRC Radiation and Genome Stability Unit (RAGSU) has moved

Liver damage in Hepatitis C patients could be treated with warfarin, says new study';

Liver damage in Hepatitis C patients could be treated with warfarin, says new study

Identification of the Principal Imprinting Control Region at the Gnas Cluster- a new Nature';

Identification of the Principal Imprinting Control Region at the Gnas Cluster- a new Nature

Mouse reveals genetic cause for glue ear in children';

Mouse reveals genetic cause for glue ear in children

EuroPhenome: an online resource of mouse phenotyping data';

EuroPhenome: an online resource of mouse phenotyping data

After hours Mutant Reveals a Role for FBXL3 in Determining Mammalian Circadian Period';

After hours Mutant Reveals a Role for FBXL3 in Determining Mammalian Circadian Period

Interphenome – an international project to integrate mouse phenotype data';

Interphenome – an international project to integrate mouse phenotype data

MRC Harwell Open Day 2013';

MRC Harwell Open Day 2013

Dr. Bruce Cattanach, former director of the MGU, has sadly passed away.

GEMM Call Opening

New consortium to improve treatments for middle ear infection and chronic otitis media

£1.7M grant to fill major gaps in our understanding of human diseases';

£1.7M grant to fill major gaps in our understanding of human diseases

Variability in Genome Editing Outcomes: Challenges for Research Reproducibility and Clinical Safety

Scientists uncover the role of neuronal networks in moving between wake and sleep states

Dr Andy Greenfield appointed member of the Regulatory Horizons Council

MRC Centre for Macaques Biobank

Researchers report on the benefits of automated phenotyping systems to study mouse behaviour

Dr Lydia Teboul, winner of the 2020 ISTT 3Rs Prize

New mechanism linking autism and protein recycling discovered

Researchers investigate the role of enhancers in gene function and disease

GEMM Call Open!

The MRC Harwell Archive Launches New Portal

MRC Harwell & NC3Rs Joint Webinar

National Mouse Genetics Network: Expression of Interest Call

Arrival of the Advance Training Centre Sculpture

Could your smartphone hold clues to early Alzheimer’s disease?

The Sanger Sample Archive Comes to the Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell

An auspicious start: Unravelling FTO’s action on metabolism and physiology

Analysis of a mouse model of Down syndrome that shows many disease-associated effects

Humanising mice to enable modelling of neurodegenerative diseases

Rodent Little Brother Project Presented Understanding Animal Research Openness Award!