Consortium Papers
Publications detailing the collaborative efforts of the MLC with international consortia involved in the targeted construction and phenotyping of mutant mouse lines, as well as the archiving and distribution of mouse disease models and disease gene discovery. These include the IMPC, EUMODIC and INFRAFRONTIER.
Systematic ocular phenotyping of 8,707 knockout mouse lines identifies genes associated with abnormal corneal phenotypes
Vo, P., Imai-Leonard, D. M., Yang, B., Briere, A., Shao, A., Casanova, M. I., Adams, D., Amano, T., Amarie, O., Berberovic, Z., Bower, L., Braun, R., Brown, S., Burrill, S., Cho, S. Y., Clementson-Mobbs, S., D'Souza, A., Dickinson, M., Eskandarian, M., Flenniken, A. M., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., Heaney, J., Hérault, Y., Angelis, M. H., Hsu, C. W., Jin, S., Joynson, R., Kang, Y. K., Kim, H., Masuya, H., Meziane, H., Murray, S., Nam, K. H., Noh, H., Nutter, L. M. J., Palkova, M., Prochazka, J., Raishbrook, M. J., Riet, F., Ryan, J., Salazar, J., Seavey, Z., Seavitt, J. R., Sedlacek, R., Selloum, M., Seo, K. Y., Seong, J. K., Shin, H. S., Shiroishi, T., Stewart, M., Svenson, K., Tamura, M., Tolentino, H., Udensi, U., Wells, S., White, J., Willett, A., Wotton, J., Wurst, W., Yoshiki, A., Lanoue, L., Lloyd, K. C. K., Leonard, B. C., Roux, M. J., McKerlie, C., Moshiri, A.
Model matchmaking via the Solve-RD Rare Disease Models & Mechanisms Network (RDMM-Europe)
Ellwanger, K., Brill, J. A., de Boer, E., Efthymiou, S., Elgersma, Y., Icmat, M., Lecoquierre, F., Lobato, A. G., Morleo, M., Ori, M., Schaffer, A. E., Vitobello, A., Wells, S., Yalcin, B., Zhai, R. G., Sturm, M., Zurek, B., Graessner, H., Bermejo-Sánchez, E., Evangelista, T., Hoogerbrugge, N., Nigro, V., Schüle, R., Verloes, A., Brunner, H., Campeau, P. M., Lasko, P., Riess, O.
Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting: LAG-R guidelines
Teboul, L., Amos-Landgraf, J., Benavides, F. J., Birling, M. C., Brown, S. D. M., Bryda, E., Bunton-Stasyshyn, R., Chin, H. J., Crispo, M., Delerue, F., Dobbie, M., Franklin, C. L., Fuchtbauer, E. M., Gao, X., Golzio, C., Haffner, R., Hérault, Y., Hrabe de Angelis, M., Lloyd, K. C. K., Magnuson, T. R., Montoliu, L., Murray, S. A., Nam, K. H., Nutter, L. M. J., Pailhoux, E., Pardo Manuel de Villena, F., Peterson, K., Reinholdt, L., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Shiroishi, T., Smith, C., Takeo, T., Tinsley, L., Vilotte, J. L., Warming, S., Wells, S., Whitelaw, C. B., Yoshiki, A., Asian Mouse Mutagenesis Resource Assocation, CELPHEDIA infrastructure, INFRAFRONTIER consortium, International Mammalian Genome Society, International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, International Society for Transgenic Technologies, Mutant Mouse Resource and Research Centers, Phenomics Australia, RRRC- Rat Resource and Research Center, Pavlovic, G.
Impact of essential genes on the success of genome editing experiments generating 3313 new genetically engineered mouse lines
Elrick, H., Peterson, K. A., Willis, B. J., Lanza, D. G., Acar, E. F., Ryder, E. J., Teboul, L., Kasparek, P., Birling, M. C., Adams, D. J., Bradley, A., Braun, R. E., Brown, S. D., Caulder, A., Codner, G. F., DeMayo, F. J., Dickinson, M. E., Doe, B., Duddy, G., Gertsenstein, M., Goodwin, L. O., Hérault, Y., Lintott, L. G., Lloyd, K. C. K., Lorenzo, I., Mackenzie, M., Mallon, A. M., McKerlie, C., Parkinson, H., Ramirez-Solis, R., Seavitt, J. R., Sedlacek, R., Skarnes, W. C., Smedley, D., Wells, S., White, J. K., Wood, J. A., Murray, S. A., Heaney, J. D., Nutter, L. M. J.
The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium: comprehensive knockout phenotyping underpinning the study of human disease
Groza, T., Gomez, F. L., Mashhadi, H. H., Muñoz-Fuentes, V., Gunes, O., Wilson, R., Cacheiro, P., Frost, A., Keskivali-Bond, P., Vardal, B., McCoy, A., Cheng, T. K., Santos, L., Wells, S., Smedley, D., Mallon, A. M., Parkinson, H.