Consortium Papers
Publications detailing the collaborative efforts of the MLC with international consortia involved in the targeted construction and phenotyping of mutant mouse lines, as well as the archiving and distribution of mouse disease models and disease gene discovery. These include the IMPC, EUMODIC and INFRAFRONTIER.
Genome-wide screening reveals the genetic basis of mammalian embryonic eye development
Chee, J. M., Lanoue, L., Clary, D., Higgins, K., Bower, L., Flenniken, A., Guo, R., Adams, D. J., Bosch, F., Braun, R. E., Brown, S. D. M., Chin, H. G., Dickinson, M. E., Hsu, C. W., Dobbie, M., Gao, X., Galande, S., Grobler, A., Heaney, J. D., Herault, Y., de Angelis, M. H., Mammano, F., Nutter, L. M. J., Parkinson, H., Qin, C., Shiroishi, T., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Xu, Y., Brooks, B., McKerlie, C., Lloyd, K. C. K., Westerberg, H., Moshiri, A.
Comprehensive ECG reference intervals in C57BL/6N substrains provide a generalizable guide for cardiac electrophysiology studies in mice
Oestereicher, M. A., Wotton, J. M., Ayabe, S., Bou About, G., Cheng, T. K., Choi, J. H., Clary, D., Dew, E. M., Elfertak, L., Guimond, A., Haseli Mashhadi, H., Heaney, J. D., Kelsey, L., Keskivali-Bond, P., Lopez Gomez, F., Marschall, S., McFarland, M., Meziane, H., Munoz Fuentes, V., Nam, K. H., Nichtová, Z., Pimm, D., Bower, L., Prochazka, J., Rozman, J., Santos, L., Stewart, M., Tanaka, N., Ward, C. S., Willett, A. M. E., Wilson, R., Braun, R. E., Dickinson, M. E., Flenniken, A. M., Herault, Y., Lloyd, K. C. K., Mallon, A. M., McKerlie, C., Murray, S. A., Nutter, L. M. J., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Sorg, T., Tamura, M., Wells, S., Schneltzer, E., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., Hrabe de Angelis, M., White, J. K., Spielmann, N.
Mendelian gene identification through mouse embryo viability screening
Cacheiro, P., Westerberg, C. H., Mager, J., Dickinson, M. E., Nutter, L. M. J., Muñoz-Fuentes, V., Hsu, C. W., Van den Veyver, I. B., Flenniken, A. M., McKerlie, C., Murray, S. A., Teboul, L., Heaney, J. D., Lloyd, K. C. K., Lanoue, L., Braun, R. E., White, J. K., Creighton, A. K., Laurin, V., Guo, R., Qu, D., Wells, S., Cleak, J., Bunton-Stasyshyn, R., Stewart, M., Harrisson, J., Mason, J., Haseli Mashhadi, H., Parkinson, H., Mallon, A. M., Smedley, D.
Extensive identification of genes involved in congenital and structural heart disorders and cardiomyopathy
Spielmann, S, Miller, G., Oprea, T.I., et al.
Analysis of genome-wide knockout mouse database identifies candidate ciliopathy genes
Higgins, K., Moore, B. A., Berberovic, Z., Adissu, H. A., Eskandarian, M., Flenniken, A. M., Shao, A., Imai, D. M., Clary, D., Lanoue, L., Newbigging, S., Nutter, L. M. J., Adams, D. J., Bosch, F., Braun, R. E., Brown, S. D. M., Dickinson, M. E., Dobbie, M., Flicek, P., Gao, X., Galande, S., Grobler, A., Heaney, J. D., Herault, Y., de Angelis, M. H., Chin, H. G., Mammano, F., Qin, C., Shiroishi, T., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Xu, Y., Lloyd, K. C. K., McKerlie, C., Moshiri, A.