Consortium Papers

Publications detailing the collaborative efforts of the MLC with international consortia involved in the targeted construction and phenotyping of mutant mouse lines, as well as the archiving and distribution of mouse disease models and disease gene discovery. These include the IMPC, EUMODIC and INFRAFRONTIER.

A resource of targeted mutant mouse lines for 5,061 genes

Birling, M. C., Yoshiki, A., Adams, D. J., Ayabe, S., Beaudet, A. L., Bottomley, J., Bradley, A., Brown, S. D. M., Bürger, A., Bushell, W., Chiani, F., Chin, H. G., Christou, S., Codner, G. F., DeMayo, F. J., Dickinson, M. E., Doe, B., Donahue, L. R., Fray, M. D., Gambadoro, A., Gao, X., Gertsenstein, M., Gomez-Segura, A., Goodwin, L. O., Heaney, J. D., Hérault, Y., de Angelis, M. H., Jiang, S. T., Justice, M. J., Kasparek, P., King, R. E., Kühn, R., Lee, H., Lee, Y. J., Liu, Z., Lloyd, K. C. K., Lorenzo, I., Mallon, A. M., McKerlie, C., Meehan, T. F., Fuentes, V. M., Newman, S., Nutter, L. M. J., Oh, G. T., Pavlovic, G., Ramirez-Solis, R., Rosen, B., Ryder, E. J., Santos, L. A., Schick, J., Seavitt, J. R., Sedlacek, R., Seisenberger, C., Seong, J. K., Skarnes, W. C., Sorg, T., Steel, K. P., Tamura, M., Tocchini-Valentini, G. P., Wang, C. L., Wardle-Jones, H., Wattenhofer-Donzé, M., Wells, S., Wiles, M. V., Willis, B. J., Wood, J. A., Wurst, W., Xu, Y., Teboul, L., Murray, S. A.

(2021) , Nat Genet , 53 , 416-419


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The Deep Genome Project

Lloyd, K. C. K., Adams, D. J., Baynam, G., Beaudet, A. L., Bosch, F., Boycott, K. M., Braun, R. E., Caulfield, M., Cohn, R., Dickinson, M. E., Dobbie, M. S., Flenniken, A. M., Flicek, P., Galande, S., Gao, X., Grobler, A., Heaney, J. D., Herault, Y., de Angelis, M. H., Lupski, J. R., Lyonnet, S., Mallon, A. M., Mammano, F., MacRae, C. A., McInnes, R., McKerlie, C., Meehan, T. F., Murray, S. A., Nutter, L. M. J., Obata, Y., Parkinson, H., Pepper, M. S., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Shiroishi, T., Smedley, D., Tocchini-Valentini, G., Valle, D., Wang, C. L., Wells, S., White, J., Wurst, W., Xu, Y., Brown, S. D. M.

(2020) , Genome Biol , 21 , 18



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Human and mouse essentiality screens as a resource for disease gene discovery

Cacheiro, P., Munoz-Fuentes, V., Murray, S. A., Dickinson, M. E., Bucan, M., Nutter, L. M. J., Peterson, K. A., Haselimashhadi, H., Flenniken, A. M., Morgan, H., Westerberg, H., Konopka, T., Hsu, C. W., Christiansen, A., Lanza, D. G., Beaudet, A. L., Heaney, J. D., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., Sorg, T., Prochazka, J., Novosadova, V., Lelliott, C. J., Wardle-Jones, H., Wells, S., Teboul, L., Cater, H., Stewart, M., Hough, T., Wurst, W., Sedlacek, R., Adams, D. J., Seavitt, J. R., Tocchini-Valentini, G., Mammano, F., Braun, R. E., McKerlie, C., Herault, Y., de Angelis, M. H., Mallon, A. M., Lloyd, K. C. K., Brown, S. D. M., Parkinson, H., Meehan, T. F., Smedley, D.

(2020) , Nat Commun , 11 , 655


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Identification of genetic elements in metabolism by high-throughput mouse phenotyping

Rozman, J., Rathkolb, B., Oestereicher, M. A., Schutt, C., Ravindranath, A. C., Leuchtenberger, S., Sharma, S., Kistler, M., Willershauser, M., Brommage, R., Meehan, T. F., Mason, J., Haselimashhadi, H., Hough, T., Mallon, A. M., Wells, S., Santos, L., Lelliott, C. J., White, J. K., Sorg, T., Champy, M. F., Bower, L. R., Reynolds, C. L., Flenniken, A. M., Murray, S. A., Nutter, L. M. J., Svenson, K. L., West, D., Tocchini-Valentini, G. P., Beaudet, A. L., Bosch, F., Braun, R. B., Dobbie, M. S., Gao, X., Herault, Y., Moshiri, A., Moore, B. A., Kent Lloyd, K. C., McKerlie, C., Masuya, H, Tanaka, N., Flicek, P., Parkinson, H. E., Sedlacek, R., Seong, J. K., Wang, C. L., Moore, M., Brown, S. D., Tschop, M. H., Wurst, W., Klingenspor, M., Wolf, E., Beckers, J., Machicao, F., Peter, A., Staiger, H., Haring, H. U., Grallert, H., Campillos, M., Maier, H., Fuchs, H., Gailus-Durner, V., Werner, T., Hrabe de Angelis, M.

(2018) , Nat Commun , 9 , 288



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Identification of genes required for eye development by high-throughput screening of mouse knockouts

Moore, B. A., Leonard, B. C., Sebbag, L., Edwards, S. G., Cooper, A., Imai, D. M., Straiton, E., Santos, L., Reilly, C., Griffey, S. M., Bower, L., Clary, D., Mason, J., Roux, M. J., Meziane, H., Herault, Y., McKerlie, C., Flenniken, A. M., Nutter, L. M. J., Berberovic, Z., Owen, C., Newbigging, S., Adissu, H., Eskandarian, M., Hsu, C. W., Kalaga, S., Udensi, U., Asomugha, C., Bohat, R., Gallegos, J. J., Seavitt, J. R., Heaney, J. D., Beaudet, A. L., Dickinson, M. E., Justice, M. J., Philip, V., Kumar, V., Svenson, K. L., Braun, R. E., Wells, S., Cater, H., Stewart, M., Clementson-Mobbs, S., Joynson, R., Gao, X., Suzuki, T., Wakana, S., Smedley, D., Seong, J. K., Tocchini-Valentini, G., Moore, M., Fletcher, C., Karp, N., Ramirez-Solis, R., White, J. K., de Angelis, M. H., Wurst, W., Thomasy, S. M., Flicek, P., Parkinson, H., Brown, S. D. M., Meehan, T. F., Nishina, P. M., Murray, S. A., Krebs, M. P., Mallon, A. M., Lloyd, K. C. K., Murphy, C. J., Moshiri, A.

(2018) , Commun Biol , 1 , 236


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