Research supported by MLC

The MLC supports the work of many research groups across a diverse range of disease areas, including hearing loss, type 2 diabetes, sex determination, neurodegeneration and circadian function, to name a few. Such support can include detailed phenotyping in addition to generation and husbandry of mutant mouse lines.

Broad-spectrum XX and XY gonadal dysgenesis in patients with a homozygous L193S variant in PPP2R3C

Cicek, D., Warr, N., Yesil, G., Kocak Eker, H., Bas, F., Poyrazoglu, S., Darendeliler, F., Direk, G., Hatipoglu, N., Eltan, M., Yavas Abalı, Z., Gurpinar Tosun, B., Kaygusuz, S. B., Seven Menevse, T., Helvacioglu, D., Turan, S., Bereket, A., Reeves, R., Simon, M., Mackenzie, M., Teboul, L., Greenfield, A., Guran, T.

(2021) , Eur J Endocrinol , 186 , 65-72



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Ap2s1 mutation causes hypercalcaemia in mice and impairs interaction between calcium-sensing receptor and adaptor protein-2

Hannan, F. M., Stevenson, M., Bayliss, A. L., Stokes, V. J., Stewart, M., Kooblall, K. G., Gorvin, C. M., Codner, G., Teboul, L., Wells, S., Thakker, R. V.

(2021) , Hum Mol Genet , 30 , 880-892



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ALS-related FUS mutations alter axon growth in motoneurons and affect HuD/ELAVL4 and FMRP activity

Garone, M. G., Birsa, N., Rosito, M., Salaris, F., Mochi, M., de Turris, V., Nair, R. R., Cunningham, T. J., Fisher, E. M. C., Morlando, M., Fratta, P., Rosa, A.

(2021) , Commun Biol , 4 , 1025



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A novel model of nephrotic syndrome results from a point mutation in Lama5 and is modified by genetic background

Falcone, S., Nicol, T., Blease, A., Randles, M. J., Angus, E., Page, A., Tam, F. W. K., Pusey, C. D., Lennon, R., Potter, P. K.

(2021) , Kidney Int , 101 , 527-540



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A novel knockout mouse for the small EDRK-rich factor 2 (Serf2) showing developmental and other deficits

Cleverley, K., Lee, W. C., Mumford, P., Collins, T., Rickman, M., Cunningham, T. J., Cleak, J., Mianne, J., Szoke-Kovacs, Z., Stewart, M., Teboul, L., Maduro, C., Wells, S., Wiseman, F. K., Fisher, E. M. C.

(2021) , Mamm Genome , 32 , 94-103


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