Research supported by MLC
The MLC supports the work of many research groups across a diverse range of disease areas, including hearing loss, type 2 diabetes, sex determination, neurodegeneration and circadian function, to name a few. Such support can include detailed phenotyping in addition to generation and husbandry of mutant mouse lines.
Studies of mice deleted for Sox3 and uc482: relevance to X-linked hypoparathyroidism
Gaynor, K. U., Grigorieva, I. V., Mirczuk, S. M., Piret, S., Kooblall, K. G., Stevenson, M., Rizzoti, K., Bowl, M. R., Nesbit, M. A., Christie, P. T., Fraser, W. D., Hough, T., Whyte, M. P., Lovell-Badge, R., Thakker, R.
Protection Against XY Gonadal Sex Reversal by a Variant Region on Mouse Chromosome 13
Livermore, C., Simon, M., Reeves, R., Stévant, I., Nef, S., Pope, M., Mallon, A. M., Wells, S., Warr, N., Greenfield, A.
Mylk3 null C57BL/6N mice develop cardiomyopathy, whereas Nnt null C57BL/6J mice do not
Williams, J. L., Paudyal, A., Awad, S., Nicholson, J., Grzesik, D., Botta, J., Meimaridou, E., Maharaj, A. V., Stewart, M., Tinker, A., Cox, R. D., Metherell, L. A.
Fam151b, the mouse homologue of C.elegans menorin gene, is essential for retinal function
Findlay, A. S., McKie, L., Keighren, M., Clementson-Mobbs, S., Sanchez-Pulido, L., Wells, S., Cross, S. H., Jackson, I. J.
Diverse species-specific phenotypic consequences of loss of function sorting nexin 14 mutations
Bryant, D., Seda, M., Peskett, E., Maurer, C., Pomeranz, G., Ghosh, M., Hawkins, T. A. Cleak, J., Datta, S., Hariri, H., Eckert, K. M., Jafree, D. J., Walsh, C., Demetriou, C., Ishida, M., Alemán-Charlet, C., Vestito, L., Seselgyte, R., McDonald, J. G., Bitner-Glindzicz, M., Hemberger, M., Rihel, J., Teboul, L., Henne, W. M., Jenkins, D., Moore, G. E., Stanier, P.